About Larry Bilotta
Larry Bilotta is a relationship and marriage expert, author, and speaker specializing in midlife crisis, and the creator of a series of successful programs designed to help bring couples back from the brink of divorce—and coming back stronger than before.
Through his Environment Changer courses for men and women, Marriage 101, and others, Larry has helped tens of thousands of people save their sanity, marriages and regain control over their own lives and mindset.
I'm Larry Bilotta.
For 27 years, I lived in a loveless marriage.
I didn’t really know my wife Marsha, and we had virtually nothing in common—except that which we hadn’t yet discovered: We both had a “chaos kid” inside of us, a combination of learned responses and beliefs, fears and value systems that were impacting our marriage directly.
And it set us on a collision course for decades of hell. Watch the video for my full story.
I’ve studied patterns in Chaos Kids for over 16 years. I paid a price to get the answers I’m sharing with you today and I don’t want you to have to go through what I did – lost, confused, angry and worried about your uncertain future.
It's since become my life’s work to demystify the source of human behavior and spread the word about the Chaos Kid Phenomenon and the idea that troubled homes create troubled marriages.
As seen on

See what Mark Gungor, one of the most popular speakers on marriage said about Larry...
Click the ‘play’ button below to hear Mark's thoughts about Larry Bilotta on his radio show.
Mark is Sr. Pastor of Celebration Church, a multi-site church with five campuses across Wisconsin, and the CEO of Laugh Your Way America.
Mark speaks for churches, civic events, and business meetings and is a much requested speaker for the US Army.