3 Mistakes To Avoid When Your Wife Says "It's Over"

Learn how to win your wife's heart back...even if she's angry, resentful, and wants nothing to do with you right now

Watch this presentation to learn how to attract your wife like no other man

If you're in a long-term relationship, but not married, you can still benefit from applying for the call below. This is a matter of the heart and a legal agreement is not critical for this to work.

Please watch the full presentation before applying for a complementary marriage strategy session.

"Your free class was spot on and made total sense. I was making the mistakes you pointed out. Before I watched it, I felt like quitting, now after I understand this is something much deeper.

Everything in the training is something I can do. This is the first approach I truly related to, especially why she’s so angry and different all the time."

- Mark R.

"I watched your online class and it changed my approach. We've been married over 17 years now and I no longer recognize my wife. She is so “lost”. This training was more helpful than YEARS of counseling.

Your explanation was my situation to a tee. Everything was spot on. It’s actually scary the way Larry describes my wife’s midlife crisis is so accurate."

- Damon W.

What you'll learn in this free presentation for men

  • The 3 common mistakes pushing her away
  • The #1 most effective way to shorten her midlife crisis (stay until the end)
  • What is a midlife crisis and what does it mean for your marriage?
  • How to get through to her – what NOT to do with a woman in midlife crisis
  • The single reason why apologies, cards and rationalizing with her will BACKFIRE
  • Discover what it (really) takes to win her heart back
  • Understand how to build a deeper connection with her than ever before

Win your wife's heart back, even if you've tried everything else and NOTHING has worked...

Despite what friends, family and counselors say, this approach works even if...

She's in a midlife crisis

If your wife no longer resembles the woman you married, it’s likely she is in a midlife crisis. The good news? A midlife crisis is NOT the end of your marriage.

She has already filed for divorce

The legal agreement of divorce does not mean you can’t rebuild the trust and win your wife’s heart back. She can be won over again IF you avoid making the mistakes outlined in this class.

She's having an affair

If your wife is having an affair, you CAN win her heart back by “becoming the boyfriend” again. Watch the presentation to learn how.

She says she doesn't love you anymore

Your wife says cruel, hurtful things as an attempt to push you away and get relief from the pressure she is feeling. Despite what most people think, this is NOT a deal breaker!

My system will give you a way to...

  • Learn to attract your wife like no other man
  • Turn yourself into the most desirable man in your wife’s eyes
  • Get rid of the bad feelings between you and your wife

This system IS for you if...

  • You believe your wife is going through a midlife crisis
  • You are 100% committed to winning your wife's heart back
  • You're ready to find personal happiness - and move away from being an emotional "pinball"
  • You want to protect your children and break the cycle of family chaos
  • You can't picture yourself with any other woman

This system is NOT for you if...

  • You are filled with a great deal of anger and resentment over past issues
  • You insist you are right and she is wrong
  • You have “one foot out the door” and have nearly given up
  • You do not believe only one person can transform a marriage
  • You are not ready to do something about the state of your marriage now
  • You are convinced it's already too late to save your marriage

It doesn’t matter if she files for divorce tomorrow or 1 year from now.

You can get another marriage, another legal document - but you can’t get another woman just like your wife.

Create a new relationship out of the ashes of the old one.

If you're ready to win your wife back, click the button below to apply for a private 1 hour call to see if this is right for you.

If your application is accepted, I'll be speaking to you soon.

Success Stories

Kevin's wife was having an affair. Since becoming a student of the Environment Changer course, Kevin learned to manage the chaos in his life and find calm. After 6 months, Kevin and his wife are no longer getting divorced, no longer selling the house and planning vacation together as a family.

Kevin R.

Stop wishing she would come home and start doing what really works

Kel is a family law divorce attorney, who counseled over 1,000 couples filing for divorce. Like his clients, he too headed down the path to divorce.  After seeking the help of Larry Bilotta and the Environment Changer course, today he and his wife remarried - and are closer and happier than ever before.

- Kel S.

Larry Bilotta

Your Host: Larry Bilotta

Larry Bilotta is a relationship and marriage expert, author, and speaker specializing in midlife crisis, and the creator of a series of successful programs designed to help bring couples back from the brink of divorce — and coming back stronger than before.

Through his Environment Changer courses for men and women, Marriage 101, and others, Larry has helped tens of thousands of people save their marriages and their sanity.

Married 40+ years, through live workshops, talks, and online courses, Larry teaches his common sense, accessible, and proven approach to surviving midlife crisis, saving your relationship, and changing your life.